Learning VMware vSphere 7 Course 80 Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC)
Learning VMware vSphere 7 Course 79 vSphere Cluster Services (vCLS)
Learning VMware vSphere 7 Course 78 vSphere DRS – VM Affinity and Anti-Affinity Rules
Learning VMware vSphere 7 Course 77 vSphere DRS Demo
Learning VMware vSphere 7 Course75 vSphere HA VM Restart Priority and VM Overrides
Learning VMware vSphere 7 Course74 vSphere HA VM Monitoring and Advanced Options
Learning VMware vSphere 7 Course73 vSphere HA Admission Control
Learning VMware vSphere 7 Course72 vSphere HA VM Component Protection – VMCP ( PDL and APD )
في شرح موضوع vSphere HA قولنا ان في تلاته سيناريو ل vSphere HA 1- vSphere HA Scenario: ESXi Host Failure 2- vSphere HA Scenario: Guest Operating System Failure 3- vSphere HA Scenario: Application Failure VMware مقدمه ٣ فيديو للتلاته سيناريو يوضح ليك بالخطوات ايه اللي هيحصل فر كل حاله اجمالي الثلاثه فيديو اقل من نصف […]