Sometime when you are trying to connect to VMware ESXi or vCenter using PowerCli you face this issue This issue because you are using invalid certificate , to ignore Invalid Server certificate error message you have to run one command: Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction Ignore -Confirm:$false Now Connect again to ESXi or vCenter Server NOW Enjoy VMware PowerCli. Ebrahim Aldesouky […]
Failed to start file system check on /dev/disk…” error on Photon OS based virtual appliances How to fix it ? :/# /bin/sh :/# /bin/mount :/# blkid :/# e2fsck -y /dev/sda3 Ebrahim Aldesouky |ITSaurus 28-5-2020
VCPs and VCAPs Around the World Ebrahim Aldesouky|ITSaurus 23-5-2020
VMware HCX Architecture on NSX-T backed SDDCs Ebrahim Aldesouky|ITSaurus
The VMware HCX Interconnect provides a secure pipeline for migration, extension and Virtual Machine protection between two connected VMware HCX sites. Ebrahim Aldesouky|ITSaurus 21-3-2020
What’s VMware Managed Object Browser (MOB) ? What’s VMware Managed Object Browser (MOB) ? هى سيرفس من _VMware _ من خلالها تقدر تعرف تفاصيل كتير جدا عن vSphere_ بتكون غير متاحه من ال _GUI_ زى مثلا: 1- VM ID 2-vSphere Data center details 3-vSphere Data stores 4-Plugins و غيرها كتير… بالاضافه انك ممكن تستعملها فى […]
VMworld 2019 On-Demand Video Library Ebrahim Aldesouky|ITSaurus 31 Aug 2019