Learning VMware vSphere 7 Course106 Creating and Managing Content libraries
Learning VMware vSphere 7 Course105 vCenter Password Policy and Account Lockout
السلام عليكمنتيجه الامتحان المقام يوم ٢٨ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٢تقدم للامتحان اكثر من ١٧٠ ممتحن الحاصلين علي ٢٥ درجه كل فائز يحصل علي فاوتشر علي احد كورساتي المدفوعه ٥ الاف جنيه و الحاصلين علي درجه ٢٤،٥ يحصلوا علي فاوتشر بقيمه ٤٠٠٠ جنيه الفاوتشر متاحه للاستخدام لمده سنتين الاسماء المذكور في الجدول لمن حصلو علي ٢٠ درجه فما […]
Learning VMware vSphere 7 Course104 ESXi Password Policy and Account Lockout
1- Which storage protocol is supported by vSphere? A. NFS B. SMB C. CIFS D. FTP 2- Which vSphere feature provides continuous availability, allowing users to protect any virtual machine from a host failure with no loss of data or connectivity? A. vSphere Fault Tolerance B. vSphere vMotion C. Enhanced vMotion Compatibility D. vSphere HA 3- An administrator has configured a […]
Learning VMware vSphere 7 CoursevSphere 7 Course – General Discussion – Sep 2022
Learning VMware vSphere 7 Course103 vCenter and Active Directory integration using LDAP or LDAP over SSL (LDAPs)
Learning VMware vSphere 7 Course 102 vCenter and Active Directory integration using Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA)
Learning VMware vSphere 7 Course101 Add vCenter Single Sign-On (vSphere.local) Users and Permissions
Learning VMware vSphere 7 Course100 Join an ESXi host to an Active Directory domain ESX Admins