السلام عليكم
فى المقال دا هبدأ فى تجميع الاسئله المشهورة فى VMware vSphere و اللى ممكن تقابلك فى اى انترفيو ..
دا هيكون الاصدار الاول و انا جمعت فيه الاساسيات اللى لازم اى حد هيتعامل مع VMware vSphere 5.5 يكون عارفها … و كل فترة هيكون فى اضافات جديده …
الاسئله انا ذكرتها بدون اجابه لان هى اسئله مباشرة و سهل انك توصل لاجابتها لو مش عارفها … و هيكون مفيد ليك لو بحثت عن الاجابه …
- What is ESXi ?
- What is vCenter ?
- What is vSphere Client ?
- What is vSphere Web Client ?
- What is the minimum memory to install ESXi 5.5 ?
- What is VMDK file ?
- What is vmx file ?
- What is VM version ?
- What is VM version in vSphere 5.5 ?
- What is VMFS ?
- What is the different between VMFS 5 , VMFS3?
- What is different between Thick provision lazy zeroed, thick provision eager zeroed and thin provision ?
- What is virtual Disk Independent ?
- What is the maximum Ram you can add per VM ?
- What is VMware Market Place ?
- What is the different between OVA and OVF ?
- What is new feature in vSphere Web Client 5.5 ?
- What is the role of vCenter Single Sign-On?
- What is the role of vCenter Server Inventory ?
- What is requirement to install vCenter Server 5.5 ?
- What is the maximum no of hosts you can add in vCenter Virtual Appliance ?
- What is vStandard switch ?
- Describe the components of a vNetwork standard switch ?
- What is Virtual machine port groups ?
- What is VMkernel port ?
- What is NIC teaming ?
- Describe Traffic shaping ?
- What is default no of ports in vStandard switch ?
- Describe vSAN ?
- Describe VM Template ?
- Describe Cloning VM ?
- Describe vMotion ?
- What is the different between vMotion and Svmotion ?
- Describe VM Snapshots ?
- Describe Lockdown Mode ?
- What is vApp?
- What is default account in ESXi ?
- What is default account vCenter Server ?
- What is Resource Pools ?
- Describe vSphere HA?
- Describe vSphere FT ?
- Describe vSphere Cluster ?
- Describe Site Recovery Manager
- What is DRS and SDRS ?
- Describe EVC ?
- Describe Swap File ?
- What is Affinity and Anti-Affinity Rule ?
- Describe VMware vSphere Update Manager ?
- What is NFS ?
- What is iSCSI initiators ?
بالتوفيق للجميع ان شاء الله
ITSaurus 1-1-2015
السلام عليكم
فين اجابات الاسئلة بعد ازنك ي باشمهندس
الاجابات موجود فى سلسله الفيديوهات الخاصه بكورس
vSphere 5.5